50 Informational Postcards for Customers & Shop displays; Great to give to customers when they purchase the following products:
Full Color Front/Back 4x6 Card Stock
- Triple B Hydrating Cream (Front) | Extreme Care Ointment (Back)- Limited Amount
- BBB & Extreme Care w/ QR Code
- Charcoal Products
Charcoal w/ QR Code
- Wellness Oil Blends
- Wellness Oils & Blends w/ QR Code
- Blueberry Extract Collection
- Blueberry Extract w/ QR Code
- Fountain of Youth
- Fountain of Youth w/ QR Code
- Cancer Care Sets/ Cold & Flu Set w/QR Code
- Repel Away/ Medieval Miracle w/QR Code
- Goat Milk Soap/Shampoo Bar w/QR Code